Part 2: From Corporate to Kula.

By: Hana Sykorova

[Find part 1 of this series here.] 


I then went to research the daily schedule. Up before sunrise to start meditation by 6.30am. A completely full day of yoga practice, yoga instruction, yoga history and teachings, anatomy, assignments, journaling, shamanic ceremony or other meditation in the evening. 

Wow! I was not really a morning person. The thought of this was not appealing. Yet, as I started the program, I felt so energized by the meditation with ocean sound and breeze in the background, as well as the long savasanas after our long yoga practice, I had no issues waking up, or practicing on an empty stomach, which was also scary at first.

The program introduced an intestine cleanse right away, which I did not elect to participate in as I had just finished a triathlon race and needed to recover with plenty of calories and including fats and essential amino acids for protein rebuilding. I was able to do it with the vegetarian diet offered in our meal plan including fresh coconut milk, nut butter, organic eggs, chia seeds, etc. I did participate in the liver cleanse the following week, as well as a tea and juice fast. To my surprise, all were manageable in a group setting and have taken me to another vibrational level.


There simply wasn't any part of the program I did not enjoy. I even managed to do well with the liver cleanse! Most notable experiences that I don't believe can be found in other yoga teacher trainings include following a yogi diet consistently, no alcohol to remain on a high vibrational level, cleanses and fasts or time periods in silence. Shamanic ceremonies such as letting go of what no longer serves us, manifestation under the new moon, or memorable cacao celebrations are just a few others.


Opening up to strangers, bonding with your Kula sisters, learning empathy and developing tools on how to deal with difficult situations by interacting in this isolated, safe group learning environment, was another enriching experience. And most importantly, the transformation I was able to achieve through multiple daily meditations, the powerful environment near the ocean, the supportive nature of our masters while working through the lower, middle and upper worlds to control the mind and come closer to our true essence and clarity on what we want in life. That was unexpected and simply priceless! I realized professional triathlon racing was not something that would fulfill my soul, and after teaching my first practice yoga class to one of my Kula sisters, I realized I loved being a healer. This was in addition to being told I was very good at it, and had an amazing, guiding voice to go along with it.

After my training I went on to win the triathlon race in Ixtapa (to my surprise, with the limited training I was able to get done while during my yoga training), and made sure to teach yoga at least three times a week to family and friends. We were living in San Francisco at this point.

It felt a bit frustrating not getting paid, but I knew I had to put my time in to develop and gain confidence and fluidity and trust that things were unfolding the way they should. 


Stay tuned for the next part of the series to hear about Hana's life after Kula yoga teacher training.

Hana teaches yoga, meditation, and nutrition counseling classes on the Mayan Riviera. 

To find out more about Hana & her offerings: