Widening The Path.

widening path, blog post

Recently, I have noticed myself referencing a new way of looking at the spiritual path of my life. Rather than focusing on the need to get from point A to point B, I have been exploring the concept of widening my perspective of the path to allow for more guidance to flow into my life experiences.

One of my favorite practices is that of manifesting our dreams and dreaming our world into being. There is no doubt that this is an extremely effective method in these accelerated times. What we think about, we bring about. All that we are creating is already happening now. With this awareness and developed skill of manifesting, we can create whatever we want in our lives. The question is how we navigate our path during the process of manifesting.

One method is to use our manifestation techniques, such as ceremony, prayer or meditation, to set our intentions and offer manifestations that are in alignment with our greater purpose, and then release them to the universe without attachment to the outcome. Done.

Another method is to take responsibility for our part in the creation by staying connected to our dreams while listening for subtle input and signs along the path. This practice teaches us to trust in the universal divine perfection, and know that all will be revealed in its perfect time.

An additional way to support our manifestation would be to develop a plan with the steps necessary to move toward that dream. So, in addition to listening to the subtle direction from the universe (sometimes not so subtle), we choose to take steps of our own accord that will initiate momentum in the direction of our dream. This practice lets the universe know that we are focused and ready.

A new method I am exploring still includes setting an intention, sending it out to the universe without attachment, listening for guidance and developing the steps to bring it into reality. But a new aspect of this practice includes…widening the path. What this means to me is opening the realm of unknown possibilities…creating space for magic to happen. I appreciate having a goal and I have found the importance of developing the steps toward the direction of the goal. But, what if rather than simply looking ahead to our manifestation, we look to the sides and all around the path to see what else might be in store for us?

As we widen our scope of awareness, we become less focused on seeking out the dream (getting to point B), and more open to allowing new insight to find us that will naturally carry us to the dream. Our expanded vibration allows us to be the sought after rather than the seeker. Like attracts like, and what we need to fulfill our dreams comes to us with ease and grace when we carry the energy of our manifestation with us into the outskirts of our lives…beyond the perceived edges of our path. With this practice of widening the path, we create more spaciousness to expand into and receive that which is already around us and is readily available to us in the unseen realms.

Another benefit to widening our path is that we begin to feel less and less like we are “off track”, because our path is allowing for expansive and diverse experiences…all still leading to the same purpose, but with a bit more compassion and understanding for our own way of getting there. With our perspective of the path being wider, when we “veer” from the path, we are really still on the path.

I believe there are two important considerations in the process of widening our path:

AwarenessAs our senses come alive and we begin to look in all directions instead of simply forward and backward, we see that we are divinely guided and all is flowing to us in the perfect timing and in the perfect way for our own soul’s journey. Staying present and aware is one of the best gifts we can give ourselves on this path.

Acceptance: The more we can appreciate exactly where we are on our path without wanting it to be any other way, the more harmonious our life experiences will be. Without attachment to where we think we should be, we can more purely carry the vibration of our manifestations with us in a way that naturally extends in all directions along our path.

As we widen our path and continue our momentum toward our goals, life may take us in another direction. But with a wider perspective, we trust that what is unfolding is something even more aligned than we can imagine! We can know that we are exactly where we are meant to be, and have confidence that the universe will provide…it always does.

widening path, blog post

Our intention in manifestation is to stay clear and focused on our goal. We can infuse our manifestations into our thoughts, our dreams, our conversations and our experiences, and at the same time, create space with awareness and accept what shows up as an opportunity and a gift.  So pick a goal, jump in, take the first steps, stay open and let go of the need to know how and when your dreams will come to fruition. Widen your path to allow for the expansive unknown, and as a result, magic will show up for you!

Expand and Enjoy….

With Love,
CJ Ananda


Ananda and her husband, Coby created Pura Vidya as a way to invite individuals to explore the fusion of the two mystical traditions of Yoga and Shamanism and to step into their Wisdom of Self (Vidya). Yoga (union with the Divine) and Shamanism (interaction with the spirit world) are both practices designed to grant us access to the infinite wisdom we carry within ourselves. 

She believes in the Hopi saying: “We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.”  Based on this belief, she trusts that we are each here to expand into the greatness of who we are and who we came here to be. She believes that as we more deeply connect to our inner essence, our Spirit Guides and our callings, we connect to the wholeness of All That Is. And it is from this place of truth, that we can serve all beings from our highest capacity. She is inspired to inspire... and to continue this journey moment to moment, breath to breath.  

Ananda currently travels between Peru, Guatemala and Troncones, Mexico, the home of Present Moment Retreat, where she holds sacred space for individuals and groups as they journey toward Self Realization and Spiritual Oneness. AHO!