Posts tagged meditation
Passion to Purpose: A Journey to the Unknown

By: Jessi Luna

"In my eight years leading groups through transformative retreats, workshops, and teacher trainings, the tears always flow when asking questions of being faced with The Unknown: What can I give to this world? How can I unearth my true self from the false beliefs it’s buried under? How can I stand out with my skills and knowledge? How can I discover my unique gifts in this lifetime? What is my purpose, my dharma, my path?"

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Understanding the Basics of Meditation: How to be Aware and Intentional.

By: John Early

"Perceive the energy around you as white light. Breathe in the white light. Exhale any darkness, negativity or sickness inside you. Once you are full of white light, breathe in the dark you might sense around you and exhale and share your inner light."

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Practically Present.

By: Randi Schiffman

“In Bali, riding freely on the back of a scooter, wind in my hair, breeze on my face and the beauty of the open road, I found myself present, connected, and one within me and everything around me. No thoughts, nothing; emptiness, or complete fullness if you will. That is until, I remembered I was supposed to be the one directing the driver, staying alert and letting him know when to turn right. So, we missed the turn. I looked down at my phone and it took me out of this precious present moment.”

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