Posts in Wisdom
Awakening to my True Nature as Spirit.

By: Jill Veta Lacasse

“My whole being is at a much higher vibratory level, and I feel like I’m flying most days. Abundance is overflowing in all aspects of my life and beautiful relationships are unfolding to help me grow, expand and awaken to all that I am – all that we are – Spirit.”

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On The Topic of Love: Protecting Your Ojas Through Commitment and Openness.

By: Jill Lacasse

“An intimate and supportive relationship is one that breaks down ambiguous and closed off emotional walls to create healthy, opened and honest communication that meets and exceeds each others’ needs and is in alignment with our purpose and spiritual growth in this life.”

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Patience in the Process: Healing and Transformation in Family Relationships.

By: Jill Lacasse

“We can re-program our thoughts, our words, and our actions by becoming an observer to this experience called life. When we come from a place of non-judgment, and see people as vessels of pure love and light instead of how their past actions made us feel like, we can start to see progress and see change in our relationship with them.”

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Remember the Water.

By: Julia Randall

“When I am here, I feel alive. My skin soaks up the dew, my spine speaks to the trees, my feet become barefoot roots on the paths and my heart opens in divine creativity. I believe I could just perch here and watch, and be content. I believe that if I stay here, the right people will come to me. I believe that if I listen to this deep call, the vision for this space will emerge.”

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Plant Medicine in Peru Part 2: Lares and Love

By: Jill Lacasse

“I was in for an incredible and mind blowing experience without even realizing the magnitude when I put the cup to my lips and drank in the spirit of the cactus. My intention of release during the training continued as I released control, surrendering to the journey and the process of being present and in tune with nature and those around me.”

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